Avoid summer slide and keep your kids from being bored or glued to the TV or video games this summer by registering them in Immaculate Conception School’s Imagination Station summer school program. This program begins Monday, June 20th and lasts until July 15th. Students can sharpen their math and reading skills, perform in a play, learn to cook and lots more! Hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. After school care is available, as are violin lessons. Immaculate Conception also offers a Transitional Kindergarten. Fouryear olds will be better prepared, both academically and socially, to enter Kindergarten the following year. Please contact our Principal, Ms. Carmela Lovano by calling (626) 358-5129, or emailing her at: clovano@icmonrovia,org.