You’ve likely noticed the new set of gates that lead from our parking lot into the Rectory patio area. These are all part of a project that is currently being undertaken by our Vietnamese Community. Eventually, this area will house a statue of Our Lady Of La Vang, who holds a special significance for the Vietnamese.
Back in Vietnam, in 1798, the Cänh Thinh Emperor ordered the extermination of Catholicism, prohibiting its practice, destroying churches and capturing and torturing priests, religious and lay people to tame its spread. Many were persecuted for their Catholic faith and a large number fled and sought refuge in the rainforest of La Vang in Quäng Tri province. While hiding in the jungle, the community gathered every night at the foot of a tree to pray the rosary. One night a vision appeared to them, of a woman in traditional dress holding a baby, with two angels beside her. They took this to be the Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus. Since then, La Vang has been honored as the place where this apparition took place and Our Lady of La Vang is seen as a comfort for all Vietnamese entering and relocating to the United States.
As was the case with the Our Lady of Guadalupe shrine in the church, the monies are being raised solely by our Vietnamese Community. Once it’s completed this shrine will be open to all wishing to visit.